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Ajuga reptans Evening Glow

Future Forests
Bugle Evening Glow
A form of the native bugle, Ajuga reptans Evening Glow is a low, mat-forming, evergreen perennial, useful as a colourful ground-cover. The glossy, deeply-veined leaves are oval and a rich, bronzy, wine colour, the colour best in partial shade – the leaves may scorch in full sun. Upright spikes of deep purplish-blue flowers in whorls appear in May and June. An easy, adaptable plant, good under deciduous trees, on banks in partial shade or rambling between ferns and other plants in shady corners. Although it spreads, unwanted plants are easy to uproot. Bugle Evening Glow is also a good nectar- and food-plant for bees and moths.
Site: Tolerates inland exposureSoil: Any well-drained soil, preferably moistPosition: Best in partial shade; tolerates deep shadeSeason of interest: All year, late spring and early summer in particularHardiness: Very hardyHeight: 6” (15cm) Spread: 2’8” (80cm)